Our IP Status
We have been sending our members' ezines from the same IP address for over 6 years. We challenge any other Bulk Email Provider to make this same claim.

What the heck does that mean?
When a sender gets Black-Listed, it is their IP address that is getting Black-Listed. This means that when that IP address (the sender of your email) sends and email to your subscribers, their Internet Service Provider (ISP) looks up that IP address to see if it's Black-Listed. If it is, they will refuse your email. The way most newsletter hosts handle this is they change their IP address like we change our socks. They rotate through IP addresses one after the other as each new one gets Black-Listed.

At EZezine, we have been using the same IP address for years. This is because our members' subscriber lists are so rock-solid that we don't get Black-Listed.

We do not hide our IP status ever. You are always welcome to look it up on the most common spam databases that the ISPs use, right here.

Our Sender Score
In this day and age, being White-Listed simply is not enough. Another metric used to determine deliverability is an IP address's "Sender Score". Sender Score is similar to a credit rating. The higher the score, the more reliable the sender is and the more likely the ISPs of it's subscribers are to accept newsletters and all mail from that sender. Sender Score aggregates data from 60 million mailboxes at a variety of ISPs, spam filtering and security companies.

The way most email newsletter hosts try to keep their score up is by changing IP addresses as their score drops, which it inevitably does. Not EZezine. Again, we have used the same IP address for years, and we consistently rank a Sender Score of 98% or above.

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